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23 Things to Add to Your 2023 Calendar: Ideas for Every Budget and Lifestyle

It's a new year! And with a new year comes elaborate plans and big wishes.

But for some people, elaborateness is just not in the cards. But does that mean you still can't have an amazing year?

Absolutely not!

Here are 23 things to try in 2023, whether you're catching flights or staying local.

1. Explore your hometown like a tourist. You may be surprised at how much there is to see in your own backyard if you take the time to look for it.

2. Go solo. Traveling alone can be a great way to learn more about yourself and explore new places without worrying about anyone else.

3. Splurge on a luxury trip. If you've been saving up, why not treat yourself to a once-in-a-lifetime luxury trip? You deserve it!

4. Take a cooking or wine-tasting course in a new destination. Trying out local cuisine and wine is one of the best ways to experience a new place and what better way to do that than by learning how to make them yourself?

5. Visit somewhere off the beaten path. If you're visiting a new place, there's no better way to get to know it than to visit a spot that's less popular with tourists than others.

6. Learn a new language. Learning a new language can be incredibly rewarding, and it could make traveling and living abroad easier.

7. Get in the car, and just drive. Just pick a direction, start driving and see where you end up. It's a great way to explore new places without planning anything out.

8. Join a group of like-minded travelers. Just pick a direction, start driving and see where you end up. It's a great way to explore new places without planning anything out.

9. Call out and do nothing - Sometimes, the best way to relax and recharge is to simply unplug and take some time for yourself. Find a spot where you can enjoy nature and just listen to the sounds around you.

10. Sleep under the stars: Nothing is as peaceful and calming as sleeping under the stars. Whether you do it in your own backyard, go camping, or head to some exotic place, it's a great way to disconnect and appreciate the beauty of nature.

11. Trek through a jungle or hike up a mountain trail. If you're staying local or on vacation, you can almost certainly find a great trail.

12. Swim with dolphins, sharks, and other incredible sea creatures. Swimming with animals is an experience you'll always remember, and one many travelers want to tick off their bucket lists.

13. Take a yoga retreat. If you're looking for a chance to unwind and spend some quality time with yourself, a yoga retreat might be just the right thing. Again, you can find this option locally or head to your nearest 5-star all-inclusive resort.

14. Find your nearest waterfall. Waterfalls are a beautiful sight, and they are all around you. Catch a flight to Maui, drive to North Carolina, or simply take a short drive to your local park or nature preserve.

15. Indulge in a staycation.

If taking a vacation isn't possible, why not treat yourself to a staycation? Investing in some luxurious hotel amenities and spa treatments can make your day of rest even more special.

16. Take a hot air balloon ride. Hot air balloons are a great way to see the world from a different perspective and get a bird's eye view of a city or countryside.

17. Take a spa day. Spa days are a great way to pamper yourself and enjoy some relaxation time. Indulge in a massage, facial, or other treatment of your choice.

18. Do something you said no to before. Sometimes, it's good to push yourself out of your comfort zone and try something new. Whether it's skydiving, bungee jumping, or a simple dip in the ocean, go ahead and give it a try!

19. Visit a new city. There are countless amazing cities worldwide waiting to be explored. Pick one at random, or choose one based on your interests.

20. Volunteer at an animal sanctuary. Help care for endangered animals by helping to provide a safe home for animals that have been rescued or have been retired from performing tricks or from being used as props in movies or TV shows.

21. Wear the swimsuit you've been too shy to wear.

There's no time like the present to push your boundaries and do something that makes you a little nervous. So put on that swimsuit you've been hiding in your closet and head to the beach!

22. Talk to a stranger. Strike up a conversation with the person next to you on the plane, at the coffee shop, or on the beach. Many people are going through a lot, and sometimes just hearing a friendly voice can make all the difference.

23. Go on a mission trip. If you want to make a difference on vacation, consider going on a mission trip. You'll get to help others while also experiencing new cultures and landscapes.

Although we get busier and busier as the years go by, we can still make 2023 the year of saying yes to ourselves! Whether you're planning to take a week-long vacation, a weekend getaway, or a day to do nothing at all, make sure you remember to prioritize your own well-being and happiness - you'll be so glad you did!

Happy travels!

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